Kind Words
Read what some of my clients have to say about their sessions
"After years of surgery and every type of medication going, CST was the answer"
I had previously had CST and enjoyed the benefits - for myself and my children so when Sarah invited me to come for a treatment I jumped at the chance! It was such a lovely experience. Sarah was so nurturing, enthusiastic and knowledgeably. She was happy to talk me through the treatment and what she was doing and feeling. It really put me at ease and the whole experience was just lovely.

More recently I mentioned that I was struggling with my sinuses as a result of the dreaded virus! Straight away Sarah offered to film a video of a technique which I could use myself. I was sceptical as I have struggled with my sinuses for almost a decade and even surgery didn't solve the issue but it was worth a go! Sarah's video was clear and she explained really well what I needed to do and after a few minutes the congestion which I'd been struggling with all day released. I was able to go to bed and breathe! I cannot believe after years of surgery and every type of medication going, CST was the answer.

I can't wait to go back for another treatment with Sarah. She's so warm and caring and I'd highly recommend her to anyone!
"It's like stepping into a warm hug"
"Having a treatment with Sarah is like stepping into a warm hug. She was so attentive, caring and warm. She explained each part of the treatment as we went through as it was new to me. And I left feeling light and supported."
"I feel the benefits immediately"
"My sessions with Sarah are always enjoyable and I feel the benefits of the treatment immediately. I'm always amazed at how my body guides Sarah to the areas that need support as she intuitively follows its cues. I look forward to the treatments and highly recommend her to all my friends and clients."
"The most zen beautiful treatment room"
"My experience having cranio with Sarah was blissful. Her gentle soothing manner coupled with the most zen beautiful treatment room made for a wonderful session. I had a massive emotional break through in the car as soon as I left. Thank you Sarah ❤️"
"Less Painful and more mobile"
"I had a fabulous CranioSacral therapy from Sarah. I had been having issues with my shoulder but was also very stressed. The treatment was relaxing, and Sarah worked on my shoulder. It felt less painful and more mobile almost immediately after the treatment. I slept 9 hours that night and felt amazing. Would definitely recommend this treatment. Sarah had a lovely manner and talks you through the therapy."
"Relieved both physically and mentally"
"I had a car crash many years ago and had a lot of injuries from sports. After years of physical treatments, I found that my body was still not 100% recovered which was when CST was introduced to me. I am so glad to have Sarah as my therapist. With her practice, I found myself so physically and mentally relieved. Most importantly, I feel energetic every time after the sessions. As a sportsman, it’s highly appreciated to have an energetic and moveable body back. You will find out how amazing CST is and once again live as a mankind :)"
"Sarah was very knowledgeable"
"I thoroughly enjoyed my treatment with Sarah. The overall experience made me feel very relaxed and destressed. Sarah was very knowledgeable and worked on the areas that were troubling me. Highly recommended."
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